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Graduate Studies

The Reach Intern Teacher Credential Program will support you to obtain an Intern Teaching Credential and then develop your teaching practice while you are working toward achieving equitable student outcomes as you fulfill requirements for a California K-12 Preliminary Teaching Credential. Beyond these requirements, the program will pay particular attention to less tangible but often more important characteristics of excellent teachers: a sense of purpose, the ability to build relationships, and a commitment to equity in education.

Intern and Master of Arts in Teaching

Intern Program Statement 

Master of Arts in Teaching Program Statement 

Intern (Alternative Certification Program) and Master of Arts in Teaching 

The Teacher Induction Program (formerly known as BTSA) in the Reach Teaching Academy will help you develop an inquiry-based mindset while improving your instructional skills.


Teacher Induction and Clear Credential Program 

Master of Education in Teaching & Induction Program 

TIP Program Statement

Teacher Induction Program (TIP)


We'd love to connect with you. For questions about our programs or the application process, click below.  

Whether you are interested in becoming a school leader, a teacher leader, or a central office leader, the Reach Instructional Leadership Academy will hone your instructional leadership skills.


Instructional Leadership Academy

ILA Program Statement  

Instructional Leadership Academy (ILA)
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